Category Archives: Orange Bowl

Bye Bye O.B. – The End of an Era

I’m at a loss for words.

Another local landmark fell victim to heavy machinery and I was left to witness it all by my lonesome. Well, the demolition crew was present, but they were too busy sharing jokes, laughing and taking the O.B apart to notice that I was there.

An unfortunate middle-aged gentleman sporting a wide toothless grin was there as well. He was just too busy looking for his next fix to notice that a historic moment was taking place right before his glassy eyes.


That’s the only word I can use to describe the feeling I had this morning. I looked around as if to share some words of solace with someone – anyone, but no one shared my sense of urgency. Cars zoomed by, pedestrians hurried to the bus stop and las viejitas swept the sidewalk.

I could go on and on and on about what the Orange Bowl meant to me. The memories that it created. The fun that it inspired. But it’s not about me. It’s about the demolition of yet another landmark at a time when this city struggles most with creating an identity…

Ah, f*#k it. Nobody cares about that.

What’s your greatest O.B. memory?

I want to know.

Adrian Salgado is a Realtor Associate with RED I Realty in Miami, FL and can be reached at 305-491-7179 or


Filed under Orange Bowl